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🚨[RESOLVED] Outage in the e-conomic integration 🚨

System Operation Status


We are pleased to inform you that the integration service with e-conomic is now operational. We are happy to announce that connectivity has been restored.


Current Update:

Service Restored: e-conomic Integration

Restoration Date and Time: 13th of March 2024, 14:00

While the integration is back up and running, we would like to inform you that there might be a queue affecting the synchronization of tasks between Rackbeat and e-conomic. This is due to the system processing the backlog of data accumulated during the downtime.


What to Expect:

You may experience a temporary delay in the synchronization of tasks between Rackbeat and e-conomic as the system clears the queue.

We anticipate that these delays will resolve as the queue diminishes and operations normalize.





We are reaching out to inform you of an unexpected issue that has arisen with our integration service with e-conomic. Currently, the integration is experiencing downtime due to unforeseen circumstances. We understand the importance of this service to your daily operations and want to assure you that our team is fully committed to resolving this issue as swiftly as possible.


Issue Details

Service Affected: e-conomic Integration

Issue Detected: 13th of March 2024, 13:00

Impact: Users may experience difficulties or inability to access or use e-conomic integration features.


Current Status:

Our technical team has identified the problem and is actively working on implementing a solution to restore the integration service. While we are working to fix the issue as quickly as possible, we do not currently have an exact timeline for when the service will be fully operational.


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and patience as we work diligently to resolve this issue. Our commitment to providing a reliable and efficient service remains our top priority, and we are focused on restoring the e-conomic integration functionality as soon as possible.