
Recent updates from Rackbeat

Updates to the Rackbeat → Shipmondo integration 🎉


We are pleased to announce that we have implemented some minor but valuable enhancements to our Shipmondo integration 🚚


1) Mapping Delivery Terms to Shipping Templates:

You can now link your Rackbeat delivery terms with a shipping template in Shipmondo. This means you can set up rules for transferring, for instance, your terms for Business Delivery, ensuring it gets matched with the appropriate template in Shipmondo. Furthermore, you have the freedom to select which delivery terms you want transferred to Shipmondo.



2) Configuration for Shipping Products, Payment Fees, Gift Cards, and Discounts:

Shipmondo has dedicated fields for services such as shipping, payment fees, gift cards, and discounts. Previously, these were transferred from Rackbeat to Shipmondo as standard items. Now, you have the ability to specify in your settings which products you use for these services, ensuring they are correctly represented in Shipmondo.



Both features are available to all customers using our Shipmondo integration and can be located under Apps → Shipmondo → Settings.